Friday, October 31, 2008


Exercise, we are all supposed to do it right? Well that is what I am going to start to do every day (hopefully!!) I have had a bike for a while now but living in the condo I never really had the chance to just ride around so now that we have a garage and it is more accessible I am going riding every night. But then we ran into a problem. I like it when Aaron goes with me and he cant keep up by just running so we went to Big 5 last night and got some new roller blades! They rock. I feel like I am 5 years old again with my arms out trying so hard not to fall. We went over to Aaron' sis house and her and her daughter put on there blades and we went around the block. Turns out we went the longest way possible around the block to were each time around was 1 mile. So we went just over 3 miles the first night I had my blades and my ankle was rubbing so hard, but it felt great. I recommend to get a great work out get some roller blades!! You cant see the bike very well but we got a new seat for it that is awesome and so soft it makes it worth it to ride for a long time.

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